Printable Terms of Use
Everything on Party Hoopla is for Personal Use Only.
You may not use anything on our site for commercial purposes. This includes but is not limited to: selling the printed product, selling the file, modifying our designs and using them in a product that you sell, modifying Party Hoopla designs and using them in a file that you give away for free, uploading Party Hoopla files to any other site.
How to use downloadable Files
Click on JPG or PDF link to download photo and open. Click save or download option. When prompted, choose folder to save file and select “save”.
Locate file in the folder you saved and select file.
Open file and edit or print.
When selected to print and printer settings appear, adjust scale to desired size
Party Hoopla sometimes uses affiliate links in
our content. This won't cost you anything
but pays us a small percentage for our time
Thanks for your support!